About Raitec 3D

and Production

At Raitec3D we are pioneers in turning concepts into tangible reality, driving the future of various industries with our state-of-the-art solutions.

Advanced Solutions

in 3D printing

In an increasingly demanding market, where novelty, speed of delivery and the lowest possible manufacturing cost are the determining variables, simulation modelling is becoming the ideal solution for the production and launch of new products, becoming the industry standard.

This is where 3D printing and the personalised solutions offered by Raitec 3D come into play. Because we understand the concept of TIER all toghether (joint development) we can create a personalised 3D model compatible with your needs.

With cutting-edge technology, expertise and flexibility, we help your company achieve its goals in an efficient and innovative way. We are reliable manufacturers in the development and production of components. Our solutions will help you speed up the launch of your new products, reduce your operating costs and improve your profit margins.

Bespoke 3D printing for your company

Customised Support

Product Development

We offer comprehensive support for development projects in various areas using Solidworks software. Our expertise has been instrumental in:

  • Helping small entrepreneurs realise their ideas.
  • Realising projects that would otherwise be:
    • Impossible to realise.
    • Excessively expensive.

With our personalised support, entrepreneurs can move forward with their projects without the need for large investments.

Collaborations and Partnerships

Competence Sectors

Setor Automóvel Raitec 3D

Automotive sector

We collaborate with the main companies in the automotive sector as a Tier supplier of final parts for assembly, as well as supporting the development department in the study and printing of prototypes before they go into production, using methods other than 3D printing.

Setor moldes Raitec 3D

foundry and mould industries

Our expertise also extends to the foundry industry, printing cores for sand moulds, single series or series production. In addition, we work for silicone mould companies, making soaps or other types of souvenirs, manufacturing the cores.
Whether for one-off series or mass production, our commitment to perfection guarantees exceptional results for every piece.

impressão 3D, Raitec 3D

Furniture Sector

In the world of furniture, we have produced unique pieces that are then used for final furniture assemblies or decorative pieces. Our 3D-printed cores are used to obtain parts in copper, silver, aluminium or brass. We help and have partnerships with some companies to support the development of parts for the sector, especially for France, a market that uses this process a lot.

Projeto Impressão 3D


We are trusted partners in the maintenance area, collaborating with one of the country's leading tyre manufacturing companies, helping them to have better options for resistant maintenance parts, thus providing the best high-quality and cost-effective maintenance solution.

Impressão 3D

Public transport (CP, metro)

Our services also extend to public transport (CP, Metro), where we develop replacement parts for older vehicles and collaborate in the development of new parts to update transport vehicles.

3d print, raitec3d, tecnology SLA. impressão 3d, tecnologia aditiva

Serial Micro-production

With a wide range of materials and technologies, our Serial Micro-Production capacity offers unrivalled flexibility to meet the specific needs of each customer. We make micro-production in series in different materials, PLA, ABS (including special ones), PA (all types of nylon), PETG, TPU, PC, PEEK, resins, we have up to 24 machines of different sizes, in FDM and SLA technologies.
With this 3D printing technology, we have the flexibility to produce according to the customer's needs, and we don't have to place orders with minimum quantities to make production viable.

Promotion of

Social Responsibility

We are actively committed to supporting various social causes, with a special focus on:

Assisting Children with Special Health Needs

We offer free support for

  • Children who need special equipment
  • Situations where equipment:
    1. Wear out
    2. Are damaged
How we help
  • We replace hard-to-find parts
  • We manufacture components with high purchase costs
  • We carry out this work free of charge for families

Our aim is to ease the financial burden on families by ensuring that children have access to essential equipment for their health and well-being.

This social service reflects our commitment to using our expertise to benefit the community, especially those with the greatest needs.

Complex parts, rapid prototyping and full support

Are you ready to put your ideas into practice?

Our team is ready to help you get what you’re looking for, guaranteeing the best for your company.

At Raitec 3D, our versatility of services allows us to accompany our clients in a solid way. From the design and modeling of your product to 3D printing with the most appropriate technology, we are ready for any challenge.

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